Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Thank You for the Manna. Right Here. Right Now.

Thank you for the manna. Thank you for your provision and love today. Thank you for how you know just what I need and that you do not withhold.

A friend recently brought up manna- the bread-like substance that literally translates as "What is it?" that God gave the Israelites each day for 40 years in the wilderness before arriving in the promised land. I am out of school and freelancing right now and though I am overwhelmed (in a good way) with the amount of work I've been offered, the lifestyle and the content of what I am doing are not what I want long term. There are pros and cons, but all in all, what I'm doing right now mostly feels like a static survival option, like I'm not pushing forward toward something better. I'm not used to this state and I can find myself grumbling like the Israelites in the desert. I want better, I want tastier. I want. I want. It took 40 years, but what was on the other end? The promised land flowing with milk and honey. In the mean time God rained down nourishment for every dietary need. If this manna substance was the bulk of their diet, it had to be nourishing. God intentionally sent down a nutritious, life- sustaining substance. He provided for their needs. Was it bland? Probably. (Or maybe it was delicious, but repetitive eating made it feel ordinary and unwelcome).  Did it get old? Most definitely. That's not the point. God provided and he was not without a plan at any point or in any respect. He built reliance and trust in His people. He brought them closer to Him and when the time was right, he showered bigger blessings on them and allowed them to enjoy with heightened appreciation.

Life is not an emergency. Wherever you are, be all there. 

This is another phrase I have been preaching to myself and have now hung on my wall. Do not miss the moment, the lessons that God has for you now. I don't want to miss what God has for me during this time of manna. Forty years of manna. Forty years of loving nourishment and being drawn closer to God. What could be better? I could list all the frustrating aspects of what I do, but instead I will write about how God is blessing me as I gather the manna.

1. I'm thankful for my time cleaning alone in a house for a few hours with no one around. It's great solitude and a time to turn on some music or catch up on phone calls before the kids get home from school.

2. I miss my dog Clover and really want a dog so hanging out with the cuddly and spunky Elsie is therapeutic and a joy. I get paid to play with a cute dog. Not bad.

3. I'm thankful for the opportunity to pour into the lives of my students and kids I babysit. One has an over bearing mother that visibly stresses them out, some barely see their parents, some struggle with navigating life without being taught basic life skills or being disciplined, some have self confidence issues or learning disabilities etc. I have the opportunity to speak truth into these lives, show love, encourage and at times be that listening ear. I'm thankful for those moments when I get to be more than a violin teacher or babysitter.

4. I'm thankful for the way my student Satyan's eyes light up whenever he hears me play the violin. It's magical.

5. I'm thankful for those late night chats with colleagues while speeding home that sometimes turn personal and spiritual.

6. I'm thankful for the experiences that I have performing with and watching world class inspirational artists.

7. I'm thankful for the mentors I have in this city that believe in me and are ready to help me improve and succeed.

8. I'm thankful for my two great roommates who make me laugh and bake delicious cookies.

9. I'm thankful for the fact that I can support myself and right now am not worried about how I will feed myself or pay rent next month.

10. I'm thankful for the beautiful views while driving to work. The Ohio Valley with changing leaves is gorgeous. Sunsets... The sun falling on the leaves...

11. I'm thankful for hearing Beautiful Savior chime from a nearby church as I arrived at the school I teach at today.

Thank you for the manna. 

You hem me in behind and before.