Monday, January 31, 2011

Taking A Step Back

As a result of the craziness that led to and was last weekend, I decided to lay off for a bit and focus on other things this week. It was so nice to be out in the real world instead of in a practice room or on a plane destined for the same thing . On Saturday I went hiking in Boulder with friends and did some tree climbing.

We happened upon awesome finger puppets that will be useful for teaching. I've been keeping an eye out for those for quite awhile so I'm pretty excited about my spider-man and snail. We got dinner and then caught a concert back in Denver, which  was pretty awesome. It was a fusion of many different styles and I was surprised to see one of our faculty members up there among the young people and electric guitars. On Sunday I sat feet from pianist Jean- Yves Thibaudet as he played an entire recital comprised of Liszt. Who does that? It was wonderful. He never let a missed note or moment of imperfection affect the overall picture. It was stunning. After playing his three encores he signed my Bach, which has now been opened up to  other types of  instrumentalists that  I admire. It's back to the hardcore training again...

  I was looking for a picture today and found some other old tree climbing pics. Apparently I like trees...

Friday, January 28, 2011

Why Not Women ?

For years I have been disturbed by some things I have been taught by the church regarding the role of women within the context of the church, society and marriage. I've been unsure about exactly where I stand, which has led me to study, think, pray and ask questions. I have not yet reached a definitive conclusion, but can safely say that I have a much clearer picture of what I believe and why. I have asked questions and made assertions that have at times resulted in being told that I am heretical. Yes, I see the danger in entertaining falsity, but also the treasure found in honest, inquisitive study. I believe that in general people do not question nearly enough and often act like ignorant, trusting sheep. On the subject of heresy, I would also like to mention that heresy is adding to the truth and apostasy is detracting from the it. I do not believe that one is better than the other.

Perhaps my interest in this subject was fueled by a meeting I stumbled upon during my Taylor days. I would practice in the recital hall, but on one particular night it was being used for a seminar. I didn't hear much, but I do remember being impressed and intrigued not only by what was said, but by the fact that a husband and wife, both retired professors, advocated side by side for female leadership within the church. That night I learned about the organization Christians For Biblical Equality (CBE) an egalitarian organization that "affirms and promotes the biblical truth that all believers—without regard to gender, ethnicity or class—must exercise their God-given gifts with equal authority and equal responsibility in church, home and world."

I hesitate to place myself in any one category (traditionalist, complementarian, egalitarian, etc.) for many reasons, not the least of which being that none of them accurately reflect my current and evolving beliefs on this subject.

I have been reading the book Why Not Women? by Loren Cunningham, founder of YWAM,  and David Hamilton. I have been refreshed by the scripture- backed truth found in its pages. I originally intended on writing multiple blog posts on this subject, but have decided to merely leave a quick overview, urge you to read this book and do your own researching, thinking and praying.
Let me offer some questions worthy of greater thought.

What of the historical context of Greek, Roman and Jewish culture? Why are the works of men such as Plato, Hesiod and Aristotle still commonly used and prized today without mention of their shocking debasement of women?
" [A]ll those creatures generated as men who proved themselves cowardly and spent their lives in wrongdoing were transformed, at their second incarnation, into women...In this fashion, then, women and the whole female sex have come into existence." - Plato

What of the original meaning of the text/ difference in translation that is found between different texts? (It is incredibly interesting to look at what the original Greek and Hebrew meant and what words have been chosen for translation into our different modern versions of the Bible.) What of how Jesus and other prominent leaders, such as Paul, spoke to, of and treated women? What of the leadership positions held and honor given to women such as Miriam, Deborah, Huldah, Priscilla, Chloe, Stephana, Euodia, Syntyche, Mary, Persis, Tryphena, Tryphosa, Phoebe, Sarah, Hannah, Abigail, Esther, Anna, Isaiah's wife, and  Philip's four daughters? How do our attitudes, beliefs and decisions regarding the value and role of women affect the greater world today? How will they affect the future?