Monday, June 11, 2012

Out of the Comfort Zone

Journal Entry 10/4/12

"Today while waiting for the bus I watched a homeless man dig through the trash looking for food. He was pretty unsuccessful in this endeavor and approached me, asking for fare money. I offered him half a bag of almonds I had in my purse, which he took and immediately started devouring, but I could have done so much more. I could have looked him in the eye, started a conversation and treated him like a respectable human being. I could have asked if I could pray for him or offered to buy him lunch. Why was I so uncomfortable? Really it boils down to fear- fear of not knowing what to say, fear of my physical safety being endangered and fear of awkwardness. But why should I be afraid? I have God to trust for all guidance, leading and protection. Awkwardness, that silly English word and concept that doesn't exist in so many languages or cultures... Help me to do better next time Father."

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