Sunday, August 18, 2013

A Taste of the Incredible Journey

I recently returned from an incredible six week journey in Central America and have many words to write- to pour from my mind and soul, but for now there is simply no time. For now, this thank you letter will have to do- to give a small glimpse of what went on. 

Dear ______ Sponsor, 

         I write to you still in a state of processing what happened these past six weeks, what it means for my future and for the future of others. I applied to ______ for many reasons, but one foundational reason was that I hoped to find clarity in how to execute and connect with resources that would help further my large picture vision of combating poverty and human trafficking through music. My experiences and the relationships built these past few weeks did this. Though I can’t articulate the specifics of how my vision will come to fruition, I know that I have gained insight and inspiration. I have met incredible people, many of whom are carrying out similar visions. These are people I will stay in contact with, observe and learn from- they will be rich resources for years to come. 

         There are many images and beautiful moments that I won’t forget. One evening after a fledgling Panamanian string orchestra performed for us, my coach, Leon Spierer shared that there are many ways to give a gift. This stuck with me and I was reminded of it every time we performed for audiences that had never had the opportunity to hear an orchestra or we were welcomed with music, cultural dancing, food or open arms. It was truly special to be part of the first ever symphony performance in Belize. I won’t forget the faces of children who sat feet from the orchestra, staring intently, faces aglow telling how they had been transported to another world or the students who were largely self- taught so hungry for knowledge that they asked to continue working on dry technique even after an hour and a half. Forever imprinted on my mind are the images of weariness and desperation that poverty brings and the boundless joy that radiated from the orchestra as twenty-five different flags were raised and the audience joined in music making and dance. People call ______ a family and it truly is. As time went on, a sense of unity and purpose continually brought us closer together. It was beautiful to see so many different personalities, cultures and ages unite in friendship. 

         My vision is to bring change and it was a blessing to be a part of this through teaching the next generation and bringing beauty and inspiration to communities less exposed to other cultures and influences such as classical music. I went to bring change, but more than anything this trip changed me. I normally choose my relationships with care and often mentally write off the possibility of deeper relationship with many people, but this tour helped me grow in embracing the good and potential in everyone and meeting each person where they were at. It furthered my ability to remain open to everything and live in the moment. I have tucked away these memories and will treasure them for many years to come. I cannot thank you enough for your support that allowed me to be part of such an incredible journey. 

Many thanks again, 

Violin, United States 

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