Saturday, December 17, 2011


This past semester was a blur of painstaking work. Ponder the irony in those words. I am now on the other side, enjoying my Christmas vacation and getting ready to start gearing up for next semester. Being officially 1/4 done with this masters is most definitely cause for celebration and, for me, a testimony of God's sustaining grace. I went to the Natural History Museum today and saw the Madeleine Albright Pin Collection. Apparently this lovely woman not only used her decorative pins to communicate her hopes and opinions, but her diplomatic intentions. One example was a small missile that upon noting it perched on her shoulder, Vladamir Putin asked if it was indeed a missile. Ms. Albright retorted that it was and that as one could see, the U.S. made very small ones so he should be prepared to negotiate. The exhibit was fascinating. This was another reminder of how powerful and discreet art can be. It can communicate so much in a mere second. I found it interesting that Ms. Albright had recognized, harnessed  and used the power of art to her advantage.

More about the exhibit:

On a completely different note...

But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.
Romans 8:25

May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy.  Colossians 1:11

I've found myself struggling with contentment this semester. A few months ago, in a frustrated outburst mingled with tears, I unexpectedly confessed all my dislikes with my current situation in Pittsburgh. The grand finale was, "I'm not happy here!" It has been a combination of many things, but really the why doesn't matter. What matters is that this is where God has placed me now and I would be a fool to not learn all I can in every way no matter where I am or what I am doing. Being on break has given me a bit of time to think more and come back in contact with many friends. This usually leads to a rebirth of impatience  and causes me to desire starting certain things now.  

I still have not found a church to call my own or solid spiritual fellowship and would appreciate prayers for this. I am attending another church tomorrow, for which I have high hopes.

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